
Self-Assessment Essay

I’ve always thought of myself to be a pretty strong writer. Throughout Phases 1, 2, and 3 however, I realized that I have long ways to go. With the peer feedback I have been receiving, we have come to the unfortunate consensus that my writing is not nearly as adequate as I had previously claimed it to be. Although this realization left me rather distraught, this is no time for sulking. For I had a new primary objective. I was destined to prove myself worthy of being crowned the awe-inspiring title of “decent writer”. In that aspect I believe I have slightly improved. There is still much more to be done.

One thing I struggled with tremendously during the course of all three phases was peer review. Not receiving or processing peer review. I’m horrible at giving peer review. “Peer reviewing”, if you will. I don’t even have a good reason as to why. I’m just horrible at giving constructive feedback. Every time I’m reading what someone wrote, I see that they wrote so much and my mind just goes:

By the time we gotta give feedback I really have not much to say. My attention span is quite atrocious.

For the third phase, I didn’t expect to struggle as much as I did. When I chose my topic, I expected to be able to say what was on my mind about it, and easily knock out at least 4 pages. I was horribly mistaken. My procrastination combined with my over confidence truly had a detrimental effect. I feel like I could’ve done better on it if I had taken serious control of my work ethic. However, this phase was actually quite insightful. It was refreshing to have researched and wrote about a relevant topic that I was actually interested in. I don’t think I would’ve researched about my topic on my own time, so it’s cool that I was forced to. I learned some pretty neat stuff.